Assessment Services
TransCat offers widest range of behavioural assessments and psychometric assessments for increasing the accuracy and speed and reducing the cost of various HR processes like Recruitment, High-Pot identification, Selecting the right people to elevate to higher positions, Identifying the development needs of them, Career counselling, Executive coaching, Right sizing.

The combination of behavioural assessments and psychometric assessments are commonly used in Assessment Centers, Development Centers and Assessment Cum Development Centers.
Some of these assessment tools are used for quick and cost effective High-Pot Identification, Campus recruitment etc.

Online Assessments in Campus Recruitment
In mass campus recruitment drives, assessments can be used for screening large number of students, sometimes even before recruitment team reaches the campus.
Cognitive ability screening is commonly be used to increase quality and speed of hiring as well as to reduce the executive time invested in Campus recruitment. The recruitment team meets and evaluates only those candidates who pass through the cognitive ability assessments.
Some organizations apply personality assessment (mapped to competencies of the role) to short listed candidates to identify more suitable ones ( for the first round of interview.
High-Pot Identification
In addition to the Development Center or Assessment Cum Development Center approach, there are more economical and quick methods (usually to identify first time managers from individual contributors) which can be deployed to identify the High-Potential employees in large organizations.
Less number of tools (usually online tools) is identified in such cases.
The step wise filtering from a large pool of prospective candidates to small number of high-pots is done usually through deploying the following tools sequentially. Cognitive ability tools to measure the critical verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning abilities (cut of score of these assessments will reduces the number to one third), self and manager feedback questionnaire on organization competencies etc. (will reduce the one third to one fifth) and personality & values assessment (this will reduce the overall number to one tenth or twentieth).The selected small number of team members usually get a chance to go through a high pot development program.
This process ensures the retention of the best talent in the organization.
Assessment Centers
Assessment Centers are used for preparing the rank list of their employees, usually for finding out the apt candidates for promotions (elevating to higher roles or giving higher responsibilities). Assessment Centers can also be conducted for selecting best team members for sophisticated projects. Assessment Centers can also help to retain best talent for organization growth even when organization have to lay down many of their employees (manpower budget reduction) to cope up with recession / tough market conditions.
The commonly used behavioural assessments to reveal the demonstrated behaviors in the past are Behavioural Event Interview, Competency Based Interview, Value Based Interview, Self and Manager 180 Degree feedback questionnaire etc.
The behavioural flexibility to take more complex or higher role nowcan be observed by deploying behavioural assessments which can be completed alone like Case Studies, In-basket exercises, or one to one scenarios like Role Plays, or Group Simulations like giving presentation to a group to influence them or a group discussion etc.
The psychometric assessments deployed in an assessment center are cognitive ability assessments to measure verbal reasoning or numerical reasoning or abstract reasoning or spatial reasoning or technical reasoning (based on the role), personality assessments (usually mapped to the competency framework of the organization, by creating an ideal profile for the role), values assessments, emotional intelligence assessments etc.
Each competency or value will be mapped to more than one behavioural and psychometric assessments and each participant will be observed by more than 2 assessors for different tools to reduce the subjectivity of the score. The calibration workshop is also conducted for the assessors to ensure the inter-rater reliability.
The scientific Assessment Center method reduces the subjectivity of the decisions to select the right person for the right role. This increases the transparency, meritocracy and employee’s trust in the organization which lead to higher retention of high potential and high performing employees.
This ensures the high performance of the teams who will get new managers or leaders and retention of the team members reporting to the newly promoted participants who got qualified through Assessment Centers.
Development Centers
The Development Centers are usually used for finding the development needs of the key people in the organization to make them ready for taking up more complex roles or new roles or to increase their span of control. This is an integral part of the succession pipeline building.
Even though the types of tools (both behavioral and psychometric) used in development centers are almost similar to Assessment Centers, many organizations avoid using cognitive ability assessments and add multi-rater (360 degree) feedback from 10 to 20 respondents in Development Centers.
The Development centers have feedback session (unlike assessment centers) and each participant will get a chance to understand his / her strengths as well as development areas (most often with the help of the reports of the assessments). Progressive organizations help the participants to not only create the Individual Development Plans or My Development Plans, but also creating learning calendar for all the participants and implement the same.
A good IDP / MyDP preparation process involves capturing the aspirations of the participants and sometimes help them to graphically capture their goals in a personal vision poster, personal discussion 60-120 minutes with the qualified assessor / coach to understand the current strengths and competencies as well as values and the competencies and values to be developed to achieve his goals, both professional and personal.
Then the assessor / coach help the participant to chart out his route map of developing them based on the learning style of the participants, internal and external sources of learning available etc. The convenient and apt time to develop the skills, competencies, values etc. are also captured in consultation with the manager of the participant and then it is signed off by all three of them- the participant, manager and the assessor /coach.
This process increases the ownership of taking extra efforts to learn and grow by the participant as well as commitment from the manager of the participant to provide him the learning opportunities (internal and external sources) with the help of HR Department.
Assessment cum Development Centers
This is the new trend in medium sized companies in India to get outputs of Assessment Centers and Development Centers at lower logistic expenses (than scheduling them at different points of time).
Online psychometric assessments are completed one week in advance and the first day of ADC will be devoted for Assessment Center Activities and second day will be devoted to Group feedback and individual feedbacks to the selected as well as rejected candidates (usually in 2 groups). Then the My Development Plans for them are charted out, signed by the participants, managers and coach/assessor/HR.
This helps to protect the morale of even the rejected candidates and help them to focus on the improvement areas to qualify for the role in next AC /ADC.
Talent development after Development Centers or ADCs
The My Development Plans/ Individual Development Plans are collated to prepare the comprehensive learning calendar.
This includes the following:
A. Instructor Led Training (Class room training-usually for skill building) Calendar
B. Experiential Learning Calendar (Out bound training- usually for willingness building / team building and for skill building)
C. Self-paced learning calendar (Book reading, e-learning, mobile app based learning, attending courses –online/offline, getting certifications-internal/external, visiting industry exhibitions , attending seminars etc.)
D. Live projects Calendar (can be completed alone or group projects in the same department or group from multiple departments)
E. On the job coaching Calendar (technical / behavioral / managerial skills/ leadership skills etc.)
F. Other learning activities Calendar (like shadowing the leaders, taking up a new assignment/ additional work etc.)
The organizations prioritize their budget and time for providing Training / Learning programs for addressing the common needs of majority of the participants. The specific needs of the individuals are addressed covered through other learning methods. Multiple methods of learning can be used to develop the skills, competencies and values to increase the depth of the learning or apply learning to improve the performance of the organization.

TransCat People Solutions Private Limited
No. 16, 1 st Cross Street, B. K. Residency
Doddakkammanahalli Main Road, Begur Hobli
Off Bannerghatta Main Road, Bangalore - 560 076
Ph:+91 95902 02404
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